Spencer Patrick is an entrepreneur, a business professional, a musician, weight lifter, judo coach, an author, a missionary and a pastor ministering the Kingdom of God. Most importantly he is a follower of Jesus. In Washington state, he was called into ministry at Cedar Springs Camp in 1983 and later founded Joy Inexpressible Ministries on 4 July 1993 as a young adult.
He was licensed in 2003 and ordained for ministry by Dr. Jerry Savelle at Heritage Christian Center on September 10th, 2004 and started Victory Word Church in June of 2005 in Tokyo, Japan.
He was trained for ministry in the Assemblies of God in the United States as well as under Rhema Bible Training Center’s Bob Yandian, and served for 6 years as a missionary in Asia. He has started and runs several businesses in Japan, Korea, and the United States referring to himself as a Faith Professional who is passionate about Jesus.
Getting to know SP, some of his interests are-
Favorite Bands– Planet Shakers, Vertical Church, DeGarmo and Key, Generation Unleashed, Salvador
Favorite Activities– Mountain biking, Jamming With The Victory Band, Hitting the Onsen, Finding Bible treasures
Favorite Authors– Charles Colson, Smith Wigglesworth, Kenneth Copeland
Favorite Movie– Facing The Giants
Favorite Person– Mariko
Three Favorite Maxims– If you want to be a champion, you must run with the champions. You are what you think. Jesus was controversial, sometimes believers have to be as well.
Favorite Preachers– Kenneth Hagin, Keith Moore, Bob Yandian, Oral Roberts, Joe Fuiten, Andrew Wommack… love people the know the Word and how to apply it!
Let’s make Yashua (Jesus) famous!
The Way We See It
The vision of Spencer Patrick.com and Joy Inexpressible Ministries is to present our readers and friends with the story from both sides. To avoid being spoon-fed biased perspectives and give people facts from an honest and honorable perspective. Our goal is to encourage discussion, not to suppress it. Life that has been thought about leads to better lives, better business, and better government.
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Comments Policy
As you know, Web 2.0 is all about the conversation. But without a few simple ground rules, that conversation can turn into a shouting match that discourages others from entering into the fray.
So here is the SpencerPatrick.com ministry team comments policy. By posting on our blog, you agree to the following:
- You may comment without registering. You will eventually be able to log-in via Disqus, OpenID, Twitter, Facebook—or not at all. It’s up to you.
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In short, our goal is to host interesting conversations with caring, honest, and respectful people. We believe this simple comments policy will facilitate this.
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